Yesterday I got an e-mail from the Meraki Dashboard that one of my wireless networks will be upgraded to the new version 27.1 next week. But as there are so many exciting new features, I upgraded my office WLAN straightaway.
This post is about the “Identity PSK without RADIUS” that can be configured in the Network Access section of your SSID:

The “Identity PSK with RADIUS” is well known and picks the right PSK based on the clients MAC address.
This new feature does not match a MAC-address to a PSK, it just allows different PSKs for a single SSID. Basically it is the same as “Multi PSK” on 9800 WLCs that I described in a previous post. On the Meraki Access Points we have some more flexibility with up to 50 PSKs that can be configured and a group-policy that can be directly applied to clients using a specific PSK.
The main restriction is the same as with MPSKs. WPA3 can not be enabled when using this feature.
The last and open question is why Cisco uses two different names for this feature that is basically the same on the two wireless controller platforms. But choosing (and changing) names has always been a disgusting fun strange thing in Cisco marketing.
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