Tuning the Cisco ISE for Meraki Networks

In general, the Cisco ISE and Meraki devices play nicely together. But when doing 802.1X Authentication, the ISE hides some information and by enabling these, the Logs have a more relevant output.

Let’s start:

Vendor Specific Attributes

Meraki Devices send four Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) in the RADIUS requests:

To show these correctly in the Logs, we need to import a RADIUS-Dictionry into the ISE:

VENDOR Meraki 29671
ATTRIBUTE Meraki-Device-Name 1 string BOTH
ATTRIBUTE Meraki-Network-Name 2 string BOTH
ATTRIBUTE Meraki-Ap-Name 3 string BOTH
ATTRIBUTE Meraki-Ap-Tags 4 string BOTH

These lines are copied to a file and can be imported into the ISE:

Policy -> Policy Elements -> Dictionaries -> System -> RADIUS -> RADIUS Vendors

After the import, it should look like this:

RADIUS Attributes from RFC7268 “RADIUS Attributes for IEEE 802 Networks”

Meraki APs send four Attributes that look like the following in the Log:

Not only the ISE has no knowledge of these RADIUS attributes, Wireshark 3.6.7 also shows them as “Unknown-Attribute”:

RFC7268 from July 2014 defines them as the following:

- WLAN-Pairwise-Cipher
- WLAN-Group-Cipher
- WLAN-AKM-Suite
- WLAN-Group-Mgmt-Cipher

EDIT: Meraki APs also send the Attribute 177 "Mobility-Domain-Id"

On the ISE, we can easily change the corresponding “undefined-xyz” attributes to the real names of the attributes:

Policy -> Policy Elements -> Dictionaries -> System -> RADIUS -> IETF -> undefined-xyz

And now the ISE-logs are more meaningful:

I still have to find out how I can replace the values with the corresponding names:

00:0f:ac:04 -> CCMP-128

00:0f:ac:05 -> 802.1X (SHA-256)

00:0f:ac:06 -> BIP-CMAC-128

If I figure this out later, or someone has a hint for me, I’ll add it to this blog-post.

Have fun with your Meraki/ISE combination!

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